HP SET Exam Pattern, Eligibility, Syllabus, Tips for Success

HP SET Exam is the most important exam for assistant professors in Himachal Pradesh. Know the eligibility, syllabus, exam pattern, etc for making a successful academic career.



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HP SET Exam is the eligibility test conducted by Himachal Pradesh to select eligible applicants for Assistant Professor positions in all colleges and universities. This entrance exam is held by Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC). Successful clearing of this examination would be one of the prerequisites to establishing an academic career in the posts of Assistant Professors in institutions of higher learning in Himachal Pradesh.

HP SET Exam Overview

Himachal Pradesh State Eligibility Test, abbreviated as HP SET. The primary purpose of HP SET is to create a benchmark that is followed by colleges and universities while recruiting Assistant Professors. HP SET follows the pattern and syllabus almost like the UGC NET, but is only valid for the recruitment of colleges and universities in Himachal Pradesh.
Parameter Details
Exam Name Himachal Pradesh State Eligibility Test (HP SET)
Conducting Body Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC)
Exam Level State-level
Eligibility Postgraduate degree holders with specified qualifications
Purpose Eligibility for recruitment as Assistant Professor in Himachal Pradesh Universities/Colleges
Total Subjects 24 Subjects
Exam Centers Shimla, Solan, Mandi, Kangra (Dharamshala), Bilaspur, Hamirpur, Nahan, Una, Kullu, Chamba
Mode of Exam Offline (Pen and Paper)
Frequency Once a year (subject to notification by HPPSC)
Selection Process Based on performance in Paper I (General Aptitude) and Paper II (Subject-Specific)
Application Mode Online through the official website of HPPSC (www.hppsc.hp.gov.in)

HP SET Eligibility Criteria 

HP SET is an essential examination for aspirants to become Assistant Professors in universities and colleges in Himachal Pradesh. The qualifications and eligibility criteria that are essential to appear for HP SET are mentioned below:

Educational Qualification

  • General/Unreserved/General-EWS Candidates should have at least a minimum percentage of 55% in their Master’s Degree in a UGC-affiliated University.
  • Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC (NonCreamy Layer) and PwD (H. P. only) shall have at least 50% marks without rounding off, in the Master Degree.
  • Candidates with a Ph.D. Degree whose Master’s degree was completed before 19th September 1991, irrespective of the declaration date of the result, are eligible for a relaxation of 5% in aggregate marks, that is, from 55% to 50%.

Candidates Appearing in Final Year

  • Candidates who have completed their final year in a Master’s degree and candidates awaiting results are also eligible to apply for HP SET.
  • However, they shall be provisionally admitted and will have to complete their PG degree with the required percentage of marks within 2 years from the date of result of SET. Failure in this regard will disqualify them.

HP SET Age Limit

  • There is no age limit to appear for the HP SET exam.

Subject Selection

  • Candidates have to choose the post graduation subject of their choice for the HP SET exam.
  • A candidate, who has a PG degree subject not available in the SET subjects list, will be required to appear for UGC-NET or CSIR-NET. 
  • The candidates with the degree in Acharya (Traditional Sanskrit) cannot appear for the SET in Sanskrit and the degree holder of Hotel Management is not allowed to appear for the Tourism Administration subject.

HP SET Reservation Certificate

  • Candidates claiming benefits of SC/ST/OBC Non-creamy layer) /PwD reservations must produce certificates issued by the competent authority.
  • The reservation certificate must be based on the parental line and not on the basis of marriage or other such criteria.

Foreign Degrees and Diplomas

  • Candidates who possess postgraduate diploma/certificate/degree that is, Master’s awarded by any Foreign University/Institute should get its equivalence to an Indian Master’s degree, and this procedure has to be done from the Association of Indian Universities (AIU), New Delhi.

Exemption from HP SET

Those candidates who satisfy certain eligibility conditions may be exempted from appearing for the HP SET. The exemption criteria are as follows:  Ph.D. Degree Holders:Those who are awarded Ph.D. Degrees in terms of the UGC Regulations, 2009, shall be exempted from NET/SET for appointment as Assistant Professors in colleges and universities. SET Qualified Candidates: Candidates who qualified for NET before 1st June, 2002 are exempted from appearing in the NET and are eligible to be appointed as Assistant Professors in Universities and colleges throughout India. Candidates who have passed SET on or after 1 June 2002 are eligible to apply for the position of Assistant Professor only in the state where they qualify for the SET.

HP SET Exam Pattern & Scheme

Himachal Pradesh State Eligibility Test (HP SET) follows a structured examination pattern to evaluate candidates for Assistant Professor positions. The exam is conducted in two objective type papers on the same day. The exam scheme and pattern are briefly given as follows:
Paper Marks No. of Questions Session Type of Questions Duration
Paper I (General Awareness) 100 50 First General nature questions to assess teaching/research aptitude, reasoning ability, comprehension, divergent thinking, and general awareness. 1 Hour
Paper II (Subject-Specific) 200 100 Second Questions based on the subject chosen by the candidate, covering the complete syllabus as per the Commission and UGC guidelines. 2 Hours

HP SET Exam Syllabus

The syllabus for HP SET is designed in such a way that the knowledge and aptitude of the candidate in his or her chosen subject, as well as general teaching and research ability, will be tested. It has two papers: Paper-I, which deals with general topics like teaching methods, research aptitude, reasoning ability and environmental awareness and Paper-II, where the candidate’s knowledge in a subject will be tested at a depth level.  The subject-specific syllabus is aligned at postgraduate level so that candidates can be assessed based on their knowledge in the respective subjects. Syllabi of all papers are available at the official HPPSC and UGC websites where detailed guidelines of all topics of the examination are available.
  • Both Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be compulsory.
  • The syllabus from both the websites, HPPSC as well as UGC will be covered and no elective has options to be chosen.
  • Direct information of the syllabus cannot be obtained from the examination agency, so candidates can download the syllabus from official websites.

HP SET Medium of Question Papers

The medium of question papers for Himachal Pradesh State Eligibility Test (HP SET) shall be bilingual, i.e., both in English and Hindi, except in languages and Computer Science, where the medium shall be confined to their respective languages. In case of discrepancy or ambiguity between the English and Hindi version of a question, as translated or constructed, the version in English will be authoritative. The decision of the SET Nodal Agency in such matters will be held final and binding. It is such a policy, which, in cases of linguistic ambiguity, ensures clarity and fairness to all the candidates.

HP SET Application Form

 The HP SET Application Form is available for filing online through the official Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission website. Candidates must fill up the application form with their required personal and educational details while uploading necessary documents. The online method has to be followed for the payment of application fee and after successful submission of the form, the candidate must keep a printout with him. All the details must be correct while submitting the form because no change can be done after the submission. The window for the application is open only for a few days and thus candidates must apply well in advance before the deadline.

HP SET Examination Fee and Mode of Payment 

Examination fee for HP SET is payable to the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission. The Examination Fee is also divided into two different categories as given below and it also differs according to the candidate category. Such fees are paid through an online mode. No such payments like off-line payment and cash deposit modes are entertained.
Sr. No. Category Fee
1 General Rs. 1150/-
2 Gen.-EWS/Other Backward Class (Non-Creamy Layer) of H.P. Rs. 600/-
3 SC of HP, ST of H.P., BPL (General BPL/SC BPL/ST BPL of H.P.), PWD (General PWD/S.C. PWD/S.T. PWD, OBC PWD) of H.P. & EWS BPL of H.P. Rs. 325/-

HP SET Marking Scheme

This marking scheme allows all the candidates a fair chance of showing off their knowledge and skills without the penalty of negative marking. Candidates need to try all questions possible to increase their overall mark.
S.No. Criteria Details
1 Marks per Question Each question carries 2 marks
2 Correct Answer +2 marks for each correct answer
3 Unanswered/Unattempted Question 0 marks (No marks awarded)
4 Answering Requirement Candidate must select 1 correct option out of 4 options
5 Scrapped/Incorrect Question +2 marks awarded to all candidates for scrapped questions (due to human/technical error)
6 Negative Marking None (No negative marking for wrong answers)

HP SET Admit Card

The HP SET Admit Card is one of the most important documents that any candidate should carry to the examination center for the Himachal Pradesh State Eligibility Test (HP SET). It is normally released a week or two before the scheduled date of the exam. It is downloadable once there is an official notification about its release on the official website of HPPSC.

Details on HP SET Admit Card

The HP SET admit card typically includes:
  • Candidate’s name and photograph
  • Roll number
  • Exam date and time
  • Venue of the examination center
  • Instructions for the exam day

HP SET Provisional Answer Key

The Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission or HPPSC publishes the Provisional Answer Key on its official website soon after the examination. Objections against the Provisional Answer Key may be raised within a 5 day window through the online mode alone. A fee per objection is payable, which shall not be refunded. Valid objections submitted with evidence will only be considered. Objections in any other mode and those received after the above period will not be accepted. Decisions taken by HPPSC on objections are final and binding and candidates shall not be informed individually about the result of objections of theirs. After reviewing objections, a revised answer key is prepared for preparation of HP SET result declaring it. 

 HP SET Result

The result of the HP SET was declared by Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC) after having the objections review process related to the Provisional Answer Key. The final answer key is prepared through that so that all the processes take place very transparently, with justice prevailing everywhere. HPPSC displays its official website through which candidates are able to check their respective results via roll number and login id. The final result determines eligibility for the post of assistant professor in universities and colleges of Himachal Pradesh. No individual notifications to the candidates are sent regarding the result.

HP SET Disqualifications for Admission to the Examination

A candidate shall not be eligible to apply for admission into the HP SET Examination in the following cases:
  • If the candidate had ever been dismissed from any previous government or semi-government service.
  • In case the candidate has earlier been convicted of any crime or offense involving moral turpitude or has even been permanently debarred or disqualified from appearing in any examination or selection.
  • If the candidate is found to be directly or indirectly influencing the process of examination or selection in any way.
  • If the candidate is an undischarged insolvent.

HP SET preparation tips

Below are some HP SET preparation tips listed:
  • Understand the Syllabus: Read and understand the detailed syllabus for Paper I (General Aptitude) and Paper II (Subject-Specific). This will give an idea of the topics one needs to focus on.
  • Time Management: Allocate time for every paper, practicing time-bound mock tests to improve speed and accuracy.
  • Revising Key Concepts: Regular revision of important concepts from the subject-specific syllabus, understanding both theoretical knowledge and its practical applications.
  • Stay Updated: Keep yourself updated about the recent developments in your field of interest.
  • Practice Mock Tests: Take online mock tests and previous year papers to familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and the types of questions asked.
  • Focus on Weak Areas: Identify your weak areas and work on them, ensuring comprehensive preparation.
  • Stay Consistent: Follow a regular study schedule, ensuring consistent effort leading up to the exam day.
  • Stay Calm and Confident: Stay positive and confident. Avoid last-minute stress and maintain a healthy study routine.


The Himachal Pradesh State Eligibility Test (HP SET) is the most important test for aspiring Assistant Professors who are looking forward to acquiring the position of assistant professors in universities and colleges located in Himachal Pradesh. Conducted by the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC), it selects candidates with proper knowledge and aptitude to join the institutes. The candidate must focus on the syllabus, must practice mock tests and should update knowledge with all recent developments in their subject area for successful outcomes.


The HP SET exam is conducted to select candidates eligible for Assistant Professor positions in universities and colleges of Himachal Pradesh.

The HP SET exam contains two papers: Paper I General Aptitude, and Paper II Subject Specific.

There are no negative markings in the HP SET exam.

Yes, candidates who had, according to UGC Regulation, already obtained a doctorate degree are exempt from appearing for HP SET.

HP SET is a strictly pen and paper-based examination.


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Aditi Sharma, founder of JRFAdda, is a Computer Science educator with an MCA degree and JRF qualification (99.91 percentile, Dec 2019). Her experience includes roles as an SBI SO (DBA), work at Cognizant, and over 5 years of teaching online and offline. She has also served as a Government Computer Teacher in Rajasthan.

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