UPTET Syllabus 2025 Paper I And Paper II, Check Now!

Get the complete UPTET Syllabus 2025 for Paper I & Paper II. Check subject-wise topics, exam pattern, and marking scheme for primary Classes I-V and upper primary Classes VI-VIII levels.


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The UPTET Exam 2025 is conducted to assess the eligibility of candidates aspiring to teach at primary Classes I-V and upper primary Classes VI-VIII levels in Uttar Pradesh schools. The exam comprises two papers: Paper I for primary level teaching and Paper II for upper primary level teaching. Candidates aiming to qualify for both levels need to appear for both papers. A comprehensive understanding of the UPTET Syllabus 2025  is essential for aspirants aiming to excel in the examination.

UPTET Syllabus 2025 

Paper I Primary Level

UPTET 2025 Paper I is designed for candidates to teach classes I-V. The subjects covered along with the distribution of questions and marks are as follows.
Subject No. of Questions Marks
Child Development and Pedagogy 30 30
Language I (Hindi) 30 30
Language II (English/Urdu/Sanskrit) 30 30
Mathematics 30 30
Environmental Studies 30 30
Total 150 150

UPTET Child Development & Pedagogy Syllabus 2025 

Topic Sub-Topics
Child Development Meaning, necessity, scope of child development; Stages – physical, mental, emotional, language development, expressive and creative ability development
Learning & Principles Meaning, factors affecting learning, Thorndike’s laws, Pavlov’s classical conditioning, Skinner’s operant conditioning, Kohler’s insight learning, Vygotsky’s learning curve
Teaching & Learning Methods Teaching principles, sources, communication, new teaching methods, inclusive education, guidance & counseling

UPTET Hindi Syllabus 2025 

Topic Sub-Topics
Hindi Core अपठित अनुच्छेद, वर्णमाला, विलोम, समानार्थी, मुहावरे, संधि, समास, लिंग, काल, वचन, विराम चिह्न
Hindi Pedagogy अधिगम और अर्जन, भाषा कौशल, भाषा शिक्षण सिद्धांत, व्याकरण का महत्व, बहुभाषीय संसाधन

UPTET English Syllabus 2025 

Topic Sub-Topics
English Core Unseen passage, Articles, Sentence structure, Tenses, Active & Passive voice, Punctuation, Parts of speech
English Pedagogy Language acquisition, Principles of language teaching, Communicative approach, Remedial teaching

UPTET Sanskrit Syllabus 2025 

Topic Sub-Topics
Sanskrit Core अपठित अनुच्छेद, संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, क्रिया, सन्धि, समास, कारक, प्रत्यय, विलोम शब्द
Sanskrit Pedagogy भाषा शिक्षण सिद्धांत, भाषा कौशल, मूल्यांकन पद्धति

UPTET Urdu Syllabus 2025 

Topic Sub-Topics
Urdu Core Unseen passage, Ism, Jamir, Sifat, Idioms, Famous poets and their work
Urdu Pedagogy Teaching methodology, language difficulties, assessment methods

UPTET Environmental Studies Syllabus 2025 

Topic Sub-Topics
EVS Core Environment, Family, Food & Hygiene, Water, Traffic, Natural Resources, Constitution & Governance
EVS Pedagogy Learning principles, Science & Social Science integration, Activity-based learning

Paper II Upper Primary Level

UPTET 2025 Paper II caters to candidates aspiring to teach classes VI-VIII. The subjects covered along with the distribution of questions and marks are as follows.
Subject No. of Questions Marks
Child Development and Pedagogy 30 30
Language I (Hindi) 30 30
Language II (English/Urdu/Sanskrit) 30 30
Mathematics and Science  60 60
Social Studies/Social Science  60 60
Total 150 150

UPTET Child Development & Pedagogy Syllabus 2025 

Topic Sub-Topics
Child Development Learning principles, Stages of development, Cognitive & Social growth
Teaching & Learning Methods Communication, Teaching resources, Guidance & counseling, Inclusive education

UPTET  Mathematics Syllabus 2025 

Category Syllabus
Content Number System, Algebra, Mensuration, Probability, Statistics, Geometry, Banking
Pedagogy Logical thinking, Community mathematics, Teaching challenges, Evaluation methods

UPTET Science Syllabus 2025 

Topic Sub-Topics
Physics Motion, Force, Energy, Light, Sound, Electricity
Chemistry Elements, Compounds, Acids, Bases, Physical & Chemical Changes
Biology Human Body, Plant Life, Nutrition, Environment
Pedagogy Science in daily life, Experimentation, Conceptual learning

UPTET  Social Studies Syllabus 2025 

Subject Topics
History Indus Valley, Vedic Age, Mauryan & Gupta Empires, British Rule, Independence Movement
Geography Physical geography, Economic geography, Human geography
Political Science Constitution, Democracy, Governance, Rights & Duties
Economics Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Indian Economy
Pedagogy Project-based learning, Case studies, Inclusive education

UPTET Language (Hindi/English/Sanskrit/Urdu) Syllabus 2025 

Language Topics
Hindi Grammar, Comprehension, Vocabulary
English Grammar, Sentence Formation, Literature
Sanskrit Sandhi, Samas, Vyakaran, Literature
Urdu Grammar, Poetry, Famous Poets & Writers

UPTET Home Science Syllabus 2025 

Topic Sub-Topics
Health & Hygiene Nutrition, First Aid, Common Diseases
Home Management Food Preservation, Pollution, Textile Science
Pedagogy Practical teaching, Learning activities


The UPTET Syllabus 2025 is structured to ensure that aspiring teachers possess the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively educate students at both primary and upper primary levels. It emphasizes a comprehensive understanding of child development, language proficiency, subject-specific content, and pedagogical strategies. Candidates are advised to thoroughly review each section of the syllabus and engage in targeted preparation to excel in the examination.  

UPTET Syllabus 2025 FAQs 

The UPTET Exam 2025 consists of two papers: Paper 1 for candidates aspiring to teach Classes I-V and Paper 2 for those aiming to teach Classes VI-VIII. Each paper contains 150 multiple-choice questions  with a total duration of 2 hours and 30 minutes.


Yes, candidates who wish to be eligible for teaching both primary and upper primary levels can apply for both papers. However, they must fill out separate application forms and pay the requisite fees for each paper.

No, there is no negative marking for incorrect answers in the UPTET exam 2025.

The UPTET 2025 eligibility certificate is valid for a lifetime from the date of issuance.

Candidates need to score at least 60% marks 90 out of 150 to qualify. However, a relaxation of 5% is provided for reserved categories.


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Aditi Sharma, founder of JRFAdda, is a Computer Science educator with an MCA degree and JRF qualification (99.91 percentile, Dec 2019). Her experience includes roles as an SBI SO (DBA), work at Cognizant, and over 5 years of teaching online and offline. She has also served as a Government Computer Teacher in Rajasthan.

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