WB SET Total Marks Distribution, Paper 1 and Paper 2 Exam Structure

Understand the WB SET total marks 2024 exam pattern, and marking scheme. Learn how to manage your time and maximize your score for success in the exam.


WB SET Total Marks

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The West Bengal State Eligibility Test (WB SET) is an important exam for those aspiring to become Assistant Professors in various colleges and universities across West Bengal. The exam consists of two papers, each contributing to the total marks. Understanding how the total marks are divided between Paper 1 and Paper 2 is essential for proper preparation. In this article, we will break down the WB SET exam pattern, marking scheme, and total marks distribution in simple terms to help you better prepare for the test.

WB SET Exam Pattern: Breakdown of Paper 1 and Paper 2

The WB SET exam has two main papers, Paper 1 and Paper 2, each designed to test different skills. Here’s a detailed overview of the WB SET exam pattern for 2024, including the total marks:

1. WB SET Paper 1: General Awareness and Teaching Aptitude

Paper 1 is the general paper common to all candidates. It focuses on testing general awareness, teaching aptitude, and reasoning skills. Here’s how the marks are distributed:
Paper Section Questions Marks Duration
Paper 1 General Awareness & Teaching Aptitude 50 100 1 Hour
Total Questions: 50
  • Total Marks: 100
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Negative Marking: None (There’s no penalty for wrong answers)
Paper 1 tests your knowledge of general subjects such as teaching methods, reasoning ability, and general awareness. Each question carries 2 marks, and there are no negative marks for incorrect answers.

2. WB SET Paper 2: Subject-Specific Paper

Paper 2 is subject-specific, meaning you’ll answer questions related to the subject you choose during registration. This paper has more questions and a higher total mark than Paper 1. Here’s a quick breakdown:
Paper Section Questions Marks Duration
Paper 2 Subject-Specific Paper 100 200 2 Hours
Total Questions: 100
  • Total Marks: 200
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Negative Marking: None (There’s no penalty for wrong answers)
Paper 2 focuses on your in-depth knowledge of the subject you’ve chosen (e.g., History, English, Sociology, etc.). Each question carries 2 marks, and again, there is no negative marking. You will have 2 hours to complete this section, which gives you more time to answer the questions compared to Paper 1.

WB SET Total Marks Distribution: Paper 1 vs. Paper 2

Now let’s understand how the total marks for WB SET 2024 are divided between Paper 1 and Paper 2:
Paper Total Questions Marks per Question Total Marks Duration
Paper 1 50 2 100 1 Hour
Paper 2 100 2 200 2 Hours
  Paper 1: 50 questions worth 100 marks
  • Paper 2: 100 questions worth 200 marks
  • Total Marks: 300 marks
So, the total marks for WB SET 2024 are 300. Paper 2 carries more marks and has more questions than Paper 1, so it’s crucial to focus on both papers equally during your preparation.

WB SET Marking Scheme

The marking scheme for WB SET 2024 is simple and straightforward. Here’s how it works:
  1. For Paper 1:
    • 50 questions
    • Each correct answer earns 2 marks.
    • Total marks for Paper 1: 100 marks.
    • No negative marking, so you can attempt all questions without fear of losing marks for wrong answers.
  2. For Paper 2:
    • 100 questions
    • Each correct answer earns 2 marks.
    • Total marks for Paper 2: 200 marks.
    • No negative marking, so again, attempt all questions confidently.
By understanding the marking scheme, you can plan your time and strategy more effectively. Focus on answering all questions and managing your time well since there’s no penalty for incorrect answers.

How to Maximize Your Total Marks in WB SET

To maximize your total marks in the WB SET exam, follow these tips:

1. Solve Practice Papers Regularly

Practice is key to doing well in both Paper 1 and Paper 2. Solving mock tests and previous years’ papers will help you get familiar with the exam pattern, question types, and time management.

2. Manage Time Effectively

You have 1 hour for Paper 1 and 2 hours for Paper 2. Make sure you manage your time wisely by spending about 1 minute per question in Paper 1 and 1 minute and 12 seconds per question in Paper 2.

3. Don’t Skip Any Questions

Since there’s no negative marking, make sure you attempt all the questions. If you’re unsure about an answer, try to eliminate some options and make an educated guess.

4. Revise Regularly

Regular revision is important to retain information, especially for Paper 1, which covers a wide range of general topics. Review your weak areas and keep practicing until you feel confident.


The WB SET 2024 exam is designed with two papers: Paper 1, worth 100 marks, and Paper 2, worth 200 marks, making a total of 300 marks. Both papers are essential for your success, with Paper 1 testing general aptitude and teaching skills, and Paper 2 focusing on subject-specific knowledge. Since there is no negative marking, attempt all questions confidently and manage your time well. By understanding the exam pattern and marking scheme, and practicing regularly, you can maximize your score and increase your chances of success in the exam.

WB SET Total Marks FAQs

  1. The total marks for WB SET 2024 is 300100 marks for Paper 1 and 200 marks for Paper 2.
  1. Paper 1 has 50 questions, each carrying 2 marks.

No, there is no negative marking in either Paper 1 or Paper 2.

Paper 1 is given 1 hour, and Paper 2 is allotted 2 hours

Aim to spend around 1 minute per question in Paper 1 and 1 minute and 12 seconds per question in Paper 2 to manage your time effectively.

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